Speed Limit Survey, part 2

Part 2: Comparing Responses at Different Speed Limits

In Part 1, we looked at average responses across all speed limits.  In this part, we’ll separate out each speed limit (25, 35, 45, 55, 65, and 70) and look at each one individually.

I’m very interested to know whether you find any of these results surprising. If you do, I’d love for you to leave a comment below!

I’ve color-coded the responses and graphs like this:

  • At or below the speed limit is green
  • 1-5 over the speed limit is orange
  • 6-10 over the speed limit is pink
  • 11+ over the speed limit is red

You’ll notice that the orange areas (1-5 over speed limit) dominate at the slower speeds, and then gradually they are replaced by the pink areas (6-10 over the limit). Most people are driving at orange and pink speeds, accounting for 78% of the answers.

Similarly, the green speeds (at or below speed limit) are bigger at the slower limits, then almost non-existent at the top limits; and the red speeds (11+ over the speed limit) are few at slower limits, and more common at higher limits. But the green and red speeds were less popular overall, accounting for only about 22% of the answers.

Here’s what it looks like overall:

Below, we look at responses for each separate speed limit, as well as my favorite comments/explanations people gave about their choice.



  • At 25 mph, the average speed respondents actually drive is 28.3 mph.
  • 68% drive any amount over the speed limit.
  • 32% drive at or under the speed limit.
  • 50% drive 1-5 over the speed limit.
  • 18% drive 6-10 over the speed limit.
  • 0% drive 11 or more over the limit.
  • I’m impressed that two people drive 5 under the speed limit!

Favorite comments/explanations from respondents:

  • 4 comments mentioned the word “kids.” For example: “25 means there are kids and families around and I want to be very aware and ready to stop quickly…” [Their response: right at the speed limit]
  • 7 comments mentioned the word “neighborhood.” For example: “These are usually neighborhoods. Nobody should be speeding in a neighborhood.” [Their response: right at the speed limit]
  • Contrast that to: “I cannot for the life of me go just 25.” [Their response: 7 mph over the speed limit]


  • At 35 mph, the average speed respondents actually drive is 40.0 mph.
  • 82% drive any amount over the speed limit.
  • 18% drive at the speed limit.
  • 55% drive 1-5 over the speed limit.
  • 25% drive 6-10 over the speed limit.
  • 2% drive 11 or more over the speed limit.

Favorite comments/explanations:

  • “Probably less likely for a kid to be in the road but also not wanting to get picked up by a sneaky cop.” [Their response: 8 mph over]
  • “In Chicago, 35 is where most of the traffic cameras are located.” [Their response: right at the speed limit]
  • “Only seniors drive the exact speed limit.” [Their response: 10 mph over.] [I will test this smug remark later by attempting to analyze driver’s ages!]
  • “I like to drive fast.” [Their response: 15 mph over]



  • At 45 mph, the average speed respondents actually drive is 50.2 mph.
  • 80% drive any amount over the speed limit.
  • 20% drive at the speed limit.
  • 48% drive 1-5 over the speed limit.
  • 30% drive 6-10 over the speed limit.
  • 2% drive 11 or more over the speed limit.

Favorite comments/explanations:

  • “A 45 mph zone is usually a busier street with more traffic so I try to go with the flow, but not much more than 5 over.” [Their response: 5 mph over]
  • “It depends on the flow of traffic and what’s prudent and safe in the situation. Sometimes it’s less safe to go the speed limit when the preponderance of traffic is going much faster.” [Their response: 5 mph over]
  • “…I think this is the hardest speed to maintain. You’re not really driving slowly, but you can’t open it up and go, either.” [Their response: right at the speed limit]



  • At 55 mph, the average speed respondents actually drive is 62.1 mph.
  • 91% drive any amount over the speed limit.
  • 9% drive at the speed limit.
  • 38% drive 1-5 over the speed limit.
  • 42% drove 6-10 over the speed limit.
  • 11% drove 11 or more over the speed limit.

Favorite comments/explanations:

  • “It’s probably a highway. Just go as fast as most other people.” [Their response: 10 over]
  • “When the speed limit is 55, it feels like almost no one around you is driving that slow. This is the speed I probably push the most…” [Their response: 9 over]
  • “Usually this is a highway or vehicle only route (no pedestrians or children) so I start to stretch my limit.” [Their response: 9 over]
  • “I used to go 65 on these roads. Age and wisdom have reigned me in.” [Their response: 5 over] [It is unclear for what specific reason(s) they think it is less wise to go 65.]



  • At 65 mph, the average speed respondents actually drive is 72.6 mph.
  • 95% drove any amount over the speed limit.
  • 5% drive at or below the speed limit.
  • 29% drive 1-5 over the speed limit.
  • 55% drive 6-10 over the speed limit.
  • 11% drive 11 or more over the speed limit.

Favorite comments/explanations:

  • “Because it’s a funny number.” [Their response: 4 over][Nice.]
  • “People up my ass otherwise.” [Their response: 5 over]
  • “At this point, I’m on the freeway. Everyone is a maniac on the freeway.” [Their response: 9 over] [89% of the respondents drive 0-10 over at this speed. I consider that pretty reasonable, and certainly not “everyone” is a maniac on the freeway…but of course it depends how you define a “maniac” speed.]



  • At 70 mph, the average speed respondents actually drive is 77.1 mph.
  • 93% drove any amount over the speed limit.
  • 7% drive at or below the speed limit.
  • 32% drove 1-5 over the speed limit.
  • 48% drove 6-10 over the speed limit.
  • 13% drove 11 or more over the speed limit.

Favorite comments/explanations:

  • “Once I get to 70, I feel like that’s fast enough, so I don’t tend to go too much over the speed limit here.” [Their response: 4 over]
  • “Highway cruise. I don’t want to worry about cops. Found through experience that this is a much more relaxing speed- you catch up with fewer ‘slower’ cars.” [Their response: 4 over]
  • “I-90 W crushed me when I got pulled over for going 83 in a 70 and 82 has kept me solid from a ticket in any state ever since.” [Their response: 12 over]
  • “Everyone else is doing it.” [Their response: 15 over] [My response: false. Only 4 out of 56 respondents said they go 15 over at this speed.]

I found these results to be surprising. I thought more people would drive 11+ miles over the speed limit. Personally, my driving speeds are right in the majority, usually between 3-8 over the various speed limits. Now, if any backseat drivers accuse me of driving either too slow or too fast, I can tell them I have data to back up how wonderfully average I am.

In future posts, we’ll attempt to look at driver’s ages to see if that has an impact, and we’ll look at whether and how people avoid getting speeding tickets.